I'm attempting to re-design this blog. So look out for little changes in the next week or so.
I like this mention which basically sums up my style as whatever-it-is-that-I'm-into-at-the-time. It's often so hard to define my "style". I guess you could say it's minimal. Or nineties. Although a full blown version of either can be really annoying/ boring. I also like a lot of graphic photography, for example, Maciek Kobielski.
Last week, I learned, first hand, just how difficult it is to get perfect lighting. I like using that word, "learned." I feel like I've been doing a lot of that these past six months. This weekend, I learned that if the only after hours option is Fantasy Factory (a warehouse on Turk & Leavenworth) and I'm out of whiskey. I should probably just go home.
Note to self: (1) Do work instead (2)
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