I watched one of my favorite movies, La Haine, again. It's a French film about three teenage friends struggling to live in the projects of Paris. The title derives from a line spoken by one of the teenagers, Hubert: "La haine attire la haine!", "hatred breeds hatred." This is one of my favorite scenes, the roof party.
Roof parties = wasted youth
The scene in San Francisco is not much different. Basically, a bunch of pseudo interesting looking people decide to throw a party on the roof. No one cares what you do because no one is doing anything interesting themselves. Everyone is your best friend. You get wasted. And then you talk about it the next morning like it was something. It's kind of fun for about two months. But then you start to realize that you're just reliving the same scene from a movie, over, and over again.
**ETA: Sorry, I was drunk when I wrote this.
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