Giving thanks

    RVCA Shiver tee, vintage pants, Chloe boots

    I'm glad many of you enjoyed the last post. Thank you so much for all of the email. I know I have a habit of coming of kind of callous. I can assure you that I'm really a very nice person in real life.

    Since it's Thanksgiving. Here are 10 things I'm thankful for:

    1. Working from home
    2. Reality television
    3. My boyfriend (he bought me a tv)
    4. Prescription medication
    5. The Olsen twins
    6. The sushi restaurant next to my apartment
    7. Kylie Minogue (I've been listening to "The One" nonstop)
    8. This Alexander Wang sweater in white
    9. Maker's Mark
    10. All my readers

    That's it! Happy Thanksgiving!


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