Fashion is a form of art.

    casual wear..inspired by vincent van gogh's starry night.



    oversized // striped // bat wing sweater + red tights

Safari Basics.

    ralph lauren spring 09

    gucci spring 2009

DIY Tutorial: Wang Spring 09

    (another DIY version on a tank, zara pants, kenneth cole booties, jcrew bikini top)

    I'd never thought i'd get such a big response for my diy sweater. Thanks for all who commented and subscribed to my blog. Well, here's my long, overdue diy tutorial for you guys. This project is not that difficult but i'll try to break it down and make it as simple as possible.

    • sweater
    • sheer fabric
    • scissors
    • thread
    • needle

    Cut out the desired patterns in the sweater.

    Flip the sweater inside out. (it's best to lay it on a flat surface)

    Cut out a piece of sheer fabric that's large enough to cover the first pattern that you will be working on.

    Sew the sheer fabric onto the pattern with a simple stitch.
    (the fabric of along the edges will slightly unravel which will create a neat effect)

    Cut around the border of the pattern to remove excess sheer fabric.
    Repeat step 3-4 with the other patterns.
    Flip the sweater back out and show off your faux alexander wang.

    Be sure to link me for this DIY and good luck! ( // BehindTheSeams)

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